Shenzhen Singles Vacation | How to Leave a Lasting Impression on Chinese Women

With so many innovative ways of connecting with people from different parts of the world nowadays, there’s no better time to jump right into the growing international romance trend than today. But despite all that, even the most advanced technology can never fully replace the excitement and thrill of face-to-face interaction - the very reason why our singles vacation continue to gain in popularity among bachelors who are hoping, and eager, to find love abroad.
Shenzhen China - a city with an abundance of beautiful singles is one of the most popular destinations for our tours. One of the main highlights of the trip are socials - events where you’ll get to meet a whole bunch of stunning Chinese women who are just as eager and hopeful as you to find their better half.
Even though you have our friendly and professional staff members at your beck and call whenever you need assistance, you will still need to do the rest of the leg work, as far as impressing the ladies is concerned. So to help you increase your odds of actually finding love in Shenzhen, we came up with a list of dating tips on how to leave a great lasting impression on Chinese girls:
Don’t try too hard
A lot of men usually fall for this trap. They think that by bragging about their wealth and other accomplishments they can sweep a lady off their feet. If that strategy has worked for you before, it may not be as effective with Chinese women.
These girls have a knack for sensing ostentatious language and behavior (honestly, most women do). So it’s important to just be your most authentic self. After all, you don’t want a girl liking you only for the facade that you put up; you want her to like you for who you really are. -
Don’t be afraid to loosen up
This is one of a few dating tips for shy guys that can really work wonders: loosen up a little! Chinese women are generally easy to be with. They love fun and spontaneity. So try not to be too uptight when interacting with them.
If you can crack some jokes and make them laugh, the better your chances of impressing them. But it’s also important not to go overboard with your humor, which is why it’s a good idea to learn a few of their cultural taboos so you can avoid inadvertently offending them. This leads us to the next tip: -
Learn a thing or two about their culture
There’s a famous saying in the U.S. that goes “my house, my rules”. The same principle applies when you’re visiting China - a nation with a strong cultural orientation. Before going on a singles vacation to Shenzhen, it’s important that you do your homework first and learn a few important things about their culture and tradition.
Doing so will not only help you avoid making any potentially offensive remarks and gestures but it’ll also give you a better understanding of Chinese singles - you may even impress your date that you’ve done some homework before meeting her. -
Come clean with your intentions from the get-go
Chinese women love men who have the balls to wear their hearts on their sleeve. For them, it’s a display of manliness and courage.
There’s no need to beat around the bush and send cryptic signals of your true intentions. You’ll impress a Chinese girl a lot faster if you’re straight forward with the kind of relationship you are looking for. -
Talk to her in her native language
Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting that you become bilingual overnight. Learning a few key words and phrases, however, can go a long way in showing her how interested you are in her.
They also find it adorable and cute when foreign guys try their best to speak their language. Trust us, your broken Cantonese or Mandarin will have her grinning from ear to ear; but in a good way.
Although the main highlights of our singles vacation are the socials, there are also plenty of other fun and exciting activities that are lined up for you while in Shenzhen. We can even arrange a tour around the city so you can see the most famous Shenzhen attractions.
But at the end of the day, the true reason why we arrange these trips is to help you meet your future wife. So when you join our Shenzhen tour make sure to keep these tips in mind, try them out and guaranteed, you’re not going home empty-handed.