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Questions to Ask a Shenzhen Girl

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Before going out with a Shenzhen woman, the best thing to do is to learn the basic facts about Shenzhen’s dating culture and know the appropriate questions to ask, in order to have a smooth sailing date. Keep in mind that when dating a woman from a foreign city like Shenzhen, you must be cautious with your words and actions to avoid miscommunication between you two.

It is undeniable that first dates always create a special feeling of excitement as you get to meet the person you’ve had your eyes set on. However, first dates can be nerve-wracking too, since you’ll be seeing your date, whom you’ll be meeting for the first time. You’ll want everything to be in place and that requires sufficient planning and preparation.

Every little detail must be taken into account to make sure it will be a memorable date. Choosing the best outfit and finding the most romantic spot are two of the most important aspects to consider. Furthermore, it’s important to establish a good first impression with your Shenzhen date. That being said, all this can cause you to feel a tremendous amount of pressure, which can cause you to stumble with your words sometimes.

To help you have a successful first date with beautiful Shenzhen women, take into consideration the tips provided below.

Common Questions to Ask on the First Date

There are several questions you may ask your date in order to spice up your conversation, and all this depends on how you are going to set the atmosphere for your entire date. In order to get yourself a Shenzhen bride, it’s best to learn these examples first. In doing so, your date will surely feel comfortable talking to you.

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Most of us have memorable childhood memories that we continue to cherish as adults. In line with this, you may ask her what kind of environment she grew up in, or how her parents were when she was young. This question can be a good ice breaker to remove some of the initial awkwardness that goes along with first dates.

You may also ask her to talk about her hometown; what did she love the most about the area where she grew up in, what activities did she enjoy doing as a child, or even what kind of food did she enjoy eating. These questions contain a lot of interesting topics that both of you can talk about and also allows you to get to know her more.

By asking this question, your date will feel that you’re genuinely interested in getting to know her better. Moreover, this question will give you clues regarding what kind of personality she has and may also enlighten you a bit about her culture.

Knowing her interests by letting her talk more about herself is a good thing as well. Ask her what she usually likes to do when she’s not working. You may ask whether she’s more of an indoor or outdoor person and find shared interests to talk about. You may also start opening up by sharing your own hobbies and passions in life. This way, she will feel more comfortable opening up to you as well.

In relation to that, ask her if she is into adventures and if she loves to travel. You can ask her which places she’s been to before, or where she would like to visit next. Another follow up question would be asking her what activity on her bucket list she really wants to try. These questions will surely lead to a lot of interesting topics and will give you hints on where you can take her next, if she agrees to have a second date.

If you feel she’s starting to open up to you more, you may ask what she’s most grateful for in life. This question will switch your attention to more personal subjects, such as her family, peers, career, and what she’s most passionate about. This allows you to discuss more particular aspects in both of your lives.

Questions to Avoid Asking

After knowing the common questions you may ask a Shenzhen girl on your first date, it’s important to know which ones to avoid as well. Before you go out on your first date with your Shenzhen girl, take these examples into consideration first, in order to score succeeding dates.

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Foremost, refrain from asking questions that focus on her past relationships. This includes asking why she’s still single or the reasons why her last relationship ended. These questions may give her negative ideas about her current status. She may feel a bit insulted as well, since it gives the impression that you think there’s something wrong about being single.

Asking her about her last relationship may also affect her mood. It can cause her to reminisce all the hurtful or bad memories she went through with her ex. Hence, it’s not advisable to mention anything about past relationships during first dates.

Moreover, you must avoid asking any money-related questions. Asking how much she earns may mean nothing to you but for Shenzhen women, it is considered rude and inappropriate. This further applies to making any comments about how much you earn, or bragging about financial means. Asking bold questions during first dates are a major turn off for these women.

In addition, asking her how many kids she would like to have when she has a family of her own is a bad idea. While talking about babies is definitely adorable, bringing it up on the first date is not advisable. Keep in mind, first dates are for getting to know each other more and at this stage, it’s too early to discuss future plans together when your relationship isn’t official yet. Moreover, it’s best to avoid asking where she sees your relationship going. First dates are not the appropriate time to ask about such matters because it’s way too soon. Asking her this may bring awkwardness between the two of you and all the effort you’ve put into creating a good first impression will all be in vain. Ideally, it’s best to ask her this once you’ve become more serious with your relationship.

Mentioned above are some of the questions you may ask and which ones to refrain from asking Shenzhen women. Keep these in mind and you’ll surely have a successful and memorable date. Learn how to meet women in Shenzhen by signing up on our site and taking part in our singles’ tours. Register now for free to meet your future Shenzhen bride!

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