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Debunking 3 Misconceptions About Chinese Women

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As China continues to move forward towards global ascendancy, many ancient stereotypes continue to thrive. For the most part, it is Chinese women who have been at the receiving end of these misconceptions that are either obsolete or are just complete nonsense.

Many of those who believe these stereotypes and misconceived connotations have not even been anywhere close to China or don’t know a thing about their history, culture, and traditions. These unfair blanket characterizations have definitely deterred some well-meaning foreign bachelors from pursuing their quest for love in China.

But that is about to change. At the end of this blog, we aim to turn your misconceptions into realizations. A realization that Chinese women are far from what some prejudiced individuals and some media entities make them appear to be.

So here are 4 of the most common misconceptions about Chinese women, debunked:

  1. Submissive

    While it’s true that Chinese culture has been largely patriarchal, modern contemporary Chinese societies have made great strides toward gender equality. But despite that, there are still people whose perception of China is that from a bygone era where women were deemed subordinate to men.

    We are not denying the fact that Chinese women went through a rather turbulent past. From foot binding to arranged marriages to living in a male-dominated society, these women endured it all. But the role of women in China has definitely evolved and improved over time. Seeing how Chinese women play an important role and hold important positions in society today, it’s safe to say that they’ve come a long way.

    Perhaps the challenges that they endured in the past are what molded them to be the women that they are now: empowered, educated, strong-willed and independent. So if the misconception about their overly submissive nature is what held you back from dating a Chinese girl before, you can rest easy knowing that it no longer bears truth today.

  2. Boring and Dull

    When you see a Chinese character on TV or in movies, they are normally portrayed as boring nerds. But that portrayal couldn’t be farther from the truth.

    Although Chinese people are generally good on the academic front, it would be utterly ignorant to dismiss their fun-loving and easygoing tendencies. Most of them know how to loosen up and have fun.

    So toss that notion of Chinese women being boring and dull out the window. You’ll be surprised at how much fun you’ll have in their company.

  3. Easy Girls and Gold Diggers

    Asian men have generally been viewed as unattractive and unappealing for Western women. On the flip side of this coin is yet another ugly narrative about Asian women, especially Chinese girls. They are sometimes branded as easy girls and gold diggers.

    This stereotype seems to have sprung from their preference, which tends to heavily gravitate towards foreign men. This doesn’t have anything to do with Chinese women putting more weight and value on superficial qualities and material wealth; because they don’t. Foreigners just generally tend to treat them better than Chinese men due to the patriarchal tendencies of Chinese society that have not been completely quashed up to this day.

Chinese women possess a myriad of endearing qualities that make them ideal wives. It’s just a shame that these misconceptions continue to influence some men’s perception about them. But we trust that you’re not going to be one of those guys who will let misconceptions and stereotypes get in the way of their quest for true love.

If you are not open-minded enough to be able to look past your misconceived notions about them, then maybe you should look somewhere else because that kind of man doesn’t deserve a Chinese woman. But if you’re a discerning gentleman who’s only looking for true and lasting love, you Sir, are exactly where you need to be. You can meet beautiful Chinese women who can potentially be your life mate by joining our romance tour.

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