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Top Speed Dating Questions Chinese Women LOVE to Answer

A photo of a beautiful Chinese girl.
Shenzhen WomenLearn about the speed dating questions Chinese women love to

With modernization and the rapid changes in our society, we are more connected than ever. But somehow as connections are shorter and easier, we’re finding it harder and harder to find newer connections. There is a struggle to find new people to build relationships with, especially with Chinese women. There must be a way to meet multiple potential partners easier and quicker right? But how do we do that without compromising the discovery stage? Enter speed dating.

Somehow, somewhere, someone found a way to meet multiple potential partners in a short time frame. Speed dating events work by each individual meeting potential partners for a short time frame, usually around 5–10 minutes. This allows you to meet multiple single people and assess whether you’re interested in dating them beyond the speed dating event or not.

I know 5-10 mins is too short to get to know a person, and perhaps too short to get to know anything really. Afterall, there’s always more than meets the eye. So we have listed a few questions that are a sure fire way for you to get to know your ideal Chinese woman:

The Who-Are-You-Really Questions

These are questions to discover personal info such as name, profession, or anything that reveals identity. These series of questions are important to get an initial impression on the Chinese women that you’re going to meet that night.

Since these questions are meant to reveal an initial glimpse on a person’s identity, these are important questions that you can’t just leave out, these are not optional. Thankfully, these questions don’t eat up a lot of time.

Start with introducing yourselves first then move on to these series of conversation starters:

  1. What do you do for work?

    This question would usually reveal much about professional status and standing but leaves much out of personality. This is important if you want a partner with a career and stable financial standing.

  2. Where are you from?

    This question reveals more about personal identity

  3. What are the things you’re looking for in a partner?

    This question reveals a lot about what she wants in a partner and would also reveal a lot about what she is as a partner.

  4. Are you more of a city or a country person?

    This question reveals personality traits. City people are known to be more outgoing and thrive in fast-paced environments, while those who prefer the country are keen on the relaxed ambience of the countryside.

Questions to Break the Ice

These series of questions are lighthearted questions that make the mood lighter and relieve some of the tensions of getting to know a complete stranger. These questions also reveal things about personality or generally things that would help you gauge whether you want to to know more about this person.

  1. What’s the strangest food you’ve tried?

    One of the characteristics of Asian women is being food lovers. They love trying out new and exotic dishes, so this question helps you understand whether this person is more outgoing and willing to try new things or someone who thrives in the calm.

  2. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Why?

    This will help you understand the things she might enjoy doing; furthermore, this will help you understand the compatibility of your preferences when it comes to going on second dates and so on.

  3. Do you believe in love at first sight?

    This reveals a lot about whether the person is a romantic or not. This can also turn into a fun and lighthearted debate if you have opposing views on the subject.

  4. Who’s shoes, whether dead or alive, would you wanna wear for a day?

    This reveals information about her influences in life. It might also reveal hints of information regarding her taste in music or film.

  5. What was your best weekend this year?

    This question reveals information on what she likes to do in her free time or the types of things she enjoys on vacations.

The What-Keeps-the-Motor-Running Questions

These are questions that are meant to reveal about sexual attraction and sexual compatibility. These questions are generally regarded as uncomfortable questions and even more so when the person you’re asking is a complete stranger. However, when done right and asked correctly, these questions might just do the opposite and instead lighten up the mood.

  1. What is the most romantic thing a partner can do for you?

    This question reveals information about things she likes on dates and signals an intent for further dates or even a relationship with the lady.

  2. What are your turn-ons?

    These questions reveal more about the playful side of the woman. Be sure to ask this question during a livelier mood in the conversation, otherwise, this might be taken wrongly. Nevertheless, This question can tell you more about sexual compatibility.

  3. What do you think is your best feature?

    This is a great question to ask someone to help you understand which part of her being makes her feel the most confident. She might go on to continue about her body insecurities, and this can be a good topic of conversation. Hint? Compliment her. A compliment goes a long way.

The Are-We-Looking-for-the-Same-Thing Questions

Compatibility isn’t just about having your personalities agree. With compatibility comes the same outlook for the future. Being on the same page cannot be understated, it’s pointless to pursue a relationship with a person that isn’t looking for a long term commitment or vice versa.

Some participants in Speed dating events aren’t in it for the long haul. It is important to make sure you both agree on what you want in the future.

  1. What is your opinion about having kids?

    This is an important question for a long-term relationship.

  2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    This question tells you about the other person’s future goals, where she wants her career to be in the future and whether she’s looking for a long term commitment.

  3. Do you eventually plan to marry and settle?

    This tells you whether you’re looking for the same thing about a future relationship.

She Could Ask You These Too

These are just a few of some great questions to ask Chinese women during a speed dating event. They are common questions that are meant to get to know your partner in a short amount of time. Since speed dating is meant to be quick, remember to give quick and concise answers. Chances are these questions will be asked to you by the participants of the event as well. Ask questions quickly but don’t swamp the conversation with questions. Remember, this is a date, not a game show. Have a great conversation and get to know your potential partners.

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